Kim’s Wellness Journey: How She Lost 50+ lbs In Her 50s!

Kim's Resilience To Transform Her Life
Cissie Wetmiller
June 10, 2024
Kim’s Wellness Journey: How She Lost 50+ lbs In Her 50s!

Cissie Wetmiller


June 10, 2024

Life can throw some challenging punches your way, but it’s how you respond during those difficult times that determines if you’re going to overcome and make a change.

Kim Benson is one who has continued to look at the unforeseen circumstances in her life and refuse to let it affect her health! When Kim came to Restoration, she was tired of sitting on the sidelines watching her family live life to its fullest. When she started nutrition coaching and taking group classes, Kim was unable to do basic tasks like getting in her car without picking up her legs and moving them in or using the stairs without holding on and going step by step.

Through perseverance, determination and trust, Kim has lost over 50 lbs during her 50s! She is now able to be active, get on and off the floor to play with her 8 grandchildren and still enjoy a sweet treat every so often!

Kim’s story is one that is truly inspiring and motivating. If Kim can make this transformation, so can you!

If you want to hear Kim’s full story, you can watch the full podcast on youtube, or listen on Apple Podcast or Spotify.  

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