The Transformational Power of Taking A Habit Based Approach With Your Health Journey

How Good Habits Can Transform Your Health
Cissie Wetmiller
August 6, 2024
The Transformational Power of Taking A Habit Based Approach With Your Health Journey

Cissie Wetmiller


August 6, 2024

Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? Do you have health goals you want to reach, but don’t have good habits to see the results? Being a gym owner and nutrition coach, I have seen major long-term benefits in people who go all in and take a habit-based approach with their health.

All habits, good or bad, are formed with a cue that leads to a craving that leads to a response that leads to a reward.

4 laws to build a good habit:

  1. Make it obvious - focus on making the best choice the easiest choice.
  2. Make it attractive - habits are a dopamine driven feedback loop.
  3. Make it easy - got to get reps in.
  4. Make it satisfying - there is some type of reward you get out of it.

To learn more about taking a habit based approach with your health journey, view episode 10 of the Getting Healthy With Cis show on all major podcast platforms like Apple Podcast, Spotify and YoutTube.

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