The Getting Healthy With Cis Podcast

Welcome To The Podcast!
Cissie Wetmiller
May 29, 2024
The Getting Healthy With Cis Podcast

Cissie Wetmiller


May 29, 2024

Hi! I'm Cissie! 

My husband Matt and I started Restoration Fitness and Nutrition 5 years ago out of our carport. Our dream was to help people enter into holistic health and experience true restoration in every aspect of their lives! Fast forward 5 years down the road, I am now a certified nutrition coach and have had the honor of helping many, many people from many walks of life in a 1-on-1 nutrition coaching capacity. Our gym, in Lakeland, FL, currently serves over 100 clients, who we walk intentionally with on the journey to optimal health. After years of in person, 1-on-1 nutrition coaching, the idea for this health podcast was birthed from my desire to enrich our current clients' experience inside our gym and to reach and help more people, not only in Lakeland, but around the world.

As I think on what has led me to the launch of this podcast, I think back to a test I took in my early 20s, known as "Strengths Finder" (you may have heard of it)! The test draws from a list of 35 strengths, and narrows down what your top 5 strengths are as a human being. 3 of my top 5 strengths were: communication, connection and developer. These are no brainers for me! I love communicating with people, I love connecting with people, and I love developing people! And what do you know, all three of these character traits converge and align synergistically on the platform of my podcast. My desire in creating this platform is to be able to connect with and help more people, just like you! 

If you'd like to learn a little more and connect in a more real way, I invite you to listen to the 1st episode of the podcast!

I hope you enjoy it! If you love it, then like, follow, subscribe and share! 

Available on all platforms including YouTube, Apple Podcast, and Spotify.

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